Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cape Town to Namibia

After completing my 2 week surfing course in Jeffrey's Bay it was time to get off the island (vibe). While in J bay I had met Radi, a biomedical engineer student studying at the University of Cape Town and ran into her again at another backpacker's lodge in Knysna, only an hour east of J bay. So I hitched a ride with her and her friend Meel to Cape Town. Together, we hiked to the top of Table Mountain for a aerial view of the city. On December 3rd I migrated from Radi's place to Ashanti backpackers lodge, which was much closer to long street where all the action of bars, clubs and shopping is. Since the 2010 Fifa world cup will be held in South Africa this year, the draw to determine the groups, pots, matches ... well, to be quite honest, I don't know how it all works out but they held the draw in Cape Town and held a huge party to celebrate. The city completely barricaded off several blocks of long street for the festivities and exciteable soccer fans. During the day I ventured out on my own tourist excursion and joined the red Cape Town Siteseeing hop-on-hop off bus which traveled through the heart of the city, to table mountain and then to pristine beaches of Camps Bay and Clifton Beach. After a couple hours of soaking up the sun at Camps Bay I hopped back on the bus for a cruise along the coastline back to the waterfront. I was running late to the huge party on long street and by the time I arrived, they had reached maximum capacity and were no longer allowing anyone in. However, my clever friend Jen jumped the barrricade and somehow managed to find us "media" passes which granted us access to a private party with a spacious view of the stage and complimentary drinks and food. Later that night when we joined the masses on long street, someone swooped my camera from my front pocket!!! While it was disappointing to have a 2nd camera stolen this year (the first was stolen in Jamaica), I was fortunate that I had just changed my memory card earlier that day and only lost one day's worth of pictures. On Saturday I filed a police report and bought a repalcement camera.
On Sunday I hopped aboard an Africa Travel Company truck with 20 strangers was off on my next adventure. The overland tour I selected travels from Cape Town to Zanzibar, Tanzania and we are scheduled to arrive on January 10th. I may, however, extend this tour and go to Nairobi, but have not made a decision yet. We are split up into 3 different groups and rotate our various duties such as washing dishes, food preparation, and cleaning the truck each day. I have been sharing a tent with Lise, an adorable Norwegian girl who is studying at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Our first night camping we enjoyed wine tasting. Usually during the day I sleep on the truck, although the further north we travel, the roads become much more rugged and it is much more difficult to get some rest. Each day presents new scenery and activities, some are definitely more noteworthy. This week: I went on a leisurely canoe ride down the Orange River, watched the sun set at Fish River Canyon, the 2nd largest Canyon in the world. Celebrated my birthday, December 10th in Sossulvei, Namibia by climbing Dune 45. On December 11th, to extend the birthday celebration a little longer I skydived in Swakopmund, Namibia!!! It was easily the most adventurous acitivity I have ever attempted and absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! Later that night my fellow overlanders joined me for a birthday dinner and dancing at a local club. It feels great to be 27!

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