Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I made it! I'm in Swaziland!

SAWUBONA! Greetings from Swaziland. I arrived at Lidwala backpacker lodge on October 5th as planned even though I had unfortunatesly missed my first flight from PDX. Met a nice gentlemen on my flight from JFK To Johannesburg who was so kind enought to extend an open invitation to enjoy a braia (BBQ) with his family in Jefferey's Bay (where I will be learning to surf in a month, how convenient). I am sharing a room with 5 other girls at the lodge. 2 are a mother-daughter duo from North Carolina, 1 from London, 1 from Sweden and 1 from Gernmany. All the other volunteers are great. We went to Kruger National Park last week and were fortnate to see all big 5 animals: rhino, elephant, lion, leopard, and buffalo. Also saw Kudu, Waterbuck, Impala, Steenbok, Porcupine, Hyena, Hippoos, Babboon, Giraffe, Zebra, Warhog, Genet and a Lilac-Breasted Roller to name a few!! Groups of animals have different names. Example, giraffes= journey, hippos=raft, Zebras= dazzle, Baboons=troop. We also were fortunate enought to witness 3 separate lion kills. 2 juvenile lions killed a baby wildebeest, a young female lioness had killed a zebra and it was ripped completely open, exposing the ribcage, and also saw a mother lion after she had killed a huge male kudu and her 3 baby cubs were running around playing (so cute!!!!). Now we are back at the lodge volunteering. In the morn I engage in some real physical labor in the sun building a childcare center for orphans who cannot afford school, it will also serve as a soup kitchen. In the afternoon we go to the Nazarene Hospital in Manzini and entertain/stimulate the children who are very ill or even bedridden. While very sad to see the children ill, it feels great to put a smile on their faces by blowing up balloons or just being silly. I have definitely been keeping busy and rarely have a moment to get on the computer. I love you all and hope you are well. Feel free to send me an email if you get a minute... I may not check it for a week, but will be delighted to hear about anything from back home!!!

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